Dynamic analysis of malwares with API Monitor

This blog post aims to show how you can dynamically analyse Windows malwares using API Monitor. One of the great benefits is that you can take a look at each API calls. You can even breakpoint on them, and edit the value before and after the call. Custom malware For learning purpose, we will write a basic Windows malware which will: Check the presence of a hardcoded registry key. If not present, the execution is stopped....

December 17, 2023 · 6 min

PNG files : structure and Steganography

In this article, we will have a quick overview of the PNG file structure and some Steganography technics used. PNG Steganography is often used for CTF, so I hope this article will be helpful :) PNG file structure Chunks A PNG is composed of chunks. Each chunk contains four parts: Length (4 bytes): indicate the number of bytes in the chunk’s data field (ignoring himself, chunk type and CRC) Chunk type (4 bytes): indicate the chunk type, limited to ASCII letters Chunk data (length depends of the chunk type): the size can be from 0 to (2^31)-1 bytes CRC(4 bytes): calculated using the chunk type and data....

August 4, 2022 · 7 min